Children of the Valley is sustained purely through the generous donations and sponsorships received from individuals much like yourself. Every penny raised goes directly into the program. Your contribution allows us to continue providing these incredible services to the children most in need from our community at no cost to them.

Opportunities to
Get Involved
We believe that every action taken on behalf of these children – positive word-of-mouth, donation, sponsorship, or volunteer hours – starts a ripple of change that reaches far and wide. There are a number of ways you can help. Choose the way that works best for you.
Volunteer with COV
We couldn’t do this without the time gifted to us by our amazing volunteers! Whether you enjoy preparing daily snacks, prefer hands-on reading with the children, are able to participate in athletic activities, or want to assist with bus transportation, there is a job for everyone, regardless of availability and ability.
Make a Donation
We can only serve as many children as your generosity allows. Your financial donation is a blessing to our organization and helps fund all programming and staffing costs. There are a number of ways you can contribute, including one-time donations, monthly sponsorships, individual child sponsorships, and more!
Tell a Friend
Sharing with others about our program and the impact we are committed to making helps build community awareness while providing an opportunity to join us in making this difference. Together We Rise!
Follow on Facebook
Stay up-to-date with the great things happening under our roof by following COV on Facebook and Instagram! We love sharing student accomplishments, inspiring messages, and organizational knowledge with our friends and supporters.
Annual Art Auction
Each spring we host our Annual Art Auction featuring beautiful works of art from beloved local artists such as Ben Mann, Jennifer Bowman, and Maria Wickwire. In addition to the generous donations from our local community of artists, it’s always with great honor that we present the heartfelt and intentional art from our students.
Shop our Amazon Wishlist
We’ve curated a special Amazon Wishlist filled with essential school and art supplies that will not only fuel COV children’s education but also ignite their imaginations. When you shop from our Amazon Wishlist, you’ll have the option to ship directly to Children of the Valley!
Plan a Legacy Gift
Include Children of the Valley in your estate planning so future generations of children have equitable access to education! To start a conversation, please call our main office at (360) 982-2399.